Gluten free banoffee pie

gluten free banoffee pie

When banana meets finest caramel and cream, the result is this miracle: gluten free banoffee pie. A dream of cake and for many years a classic that many have failed to live up to. Cooking condensed milk cans is also really not a nice activity. But with this recipe you are guaranteed to end up with the perfect gluten free banoffee pie.

Oh yes, you don’t even need an oven. Convinced? Then let’s go!

 You need:

300g gluten free sponge fingers (I take Savoiardi by Schär)

100g butter

1 can of sweetened condensed milk (e.g. Nestlé)

2-3 bananas

1 cup of whipped cream

gluten-free chocolate coating or cocoa for sprinkling

a springform pan 

There you go: 

  1. Fill the sponge fingers into a freezer bag and crumble them with a rolling pin.
  2. Melt the butter and knead to a base with the sponge fingers. To prevent the base from sticking in the springform pan, I place baking paper between the base and the cake ring.
  3. Then pour the biscuit mixture into the springform pan and press down on the base.
  4. Refrigerate the cake base for at least an hour. 
  5. For the filling, pour the condensed milk into a pot and bring to the boil carefully.
  6. Once the milk has cooked, reduce the temperature again and stir until the milk becomes thick.
  7. The caramel should be spread as quickly as possible on the cake base to prevent a sticky catastrophe.
  8. Now cut the bananas into slices and spread evenly over the caramel. Whip the cream and spread on the bananas.
  9. Finally garnish with cocoa or chocolate. 

Have fun “baking” this tasty gluten free banoffee pie and tell me how you like the recipe!

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