Gluten free chicken curry

gluten free chicken curry

Gluten free chicken curry is my favourite food at the moment, but it’s not only the chicken, but also the crunchy vegetables and the coconut milk. My “secret ingredient” is a very special spice: the coconut sugar curry from JANUR. It gives the dish a light sweetness and caramelises the vegetables. I’m totally into it right now! You should definitely try it.

What you need for cooking:

400g chicken meat



1 can coconut milk

one onion

spring onion

Curry powder, optionally coconut sugar curry

And it’s that simple:

  1. Fry the meat in coconut oil, in the meantime wash the vegetables.
  2. Add the coconut milk and the vegetables to the meat and simmer until the vegetables are “al dente”.
  3. Season, and the gluten free chicken curry is ready. Serve with rice.

A super easy dish if you don’t feel like fancy cooking parties!

Have fun cooking and enjoy your meal!

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